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Well, interesting times. As of 9pm at the time of writing the freezing level has dropped back down to 1600 and will steadily continue. There’s a fresh dusting of snow now on top a sodden fresh. Sodden fresh, a delightful variety of snow. Low density yet saturated with percolating moisture. The product of 12hrs of snowfall followed by 12hrs of really heavy rain. Hotham and Razorback have fared better than the BHP, Falls Creek and Bogong. Onwards and upwards from here. SM
The temps are plummeting and the precip conveyor is still in action. For as far as the models show. The base will harden up with the lower temps, and gradual steady (significant at times) flurries will see a really good cold conditions develop in the backcountry from Sunday with any luck. SM
Be patient. The base is building and the surface is a breakable crust this morning. Hopefully by tomorrow morning there will be some good options. BB
We slogged it, it was grim. In +20hrs it will be looking up. Still ‘heathy’ for now. SM
Little Feathertop. Good base and building cover on leeward aspects (south and east). Tree carnage on the Bungalow spur. Still plenty of bushes showing on the north and east. Even temperature gradient (-2˚) in a low density snowpack with a rain effected ‘wet rounds’ surface (10cm) below 1800m
We had planned on heading to Bogong for observations this morning but alas, it was just waaaaay to brutal. To the brave souls headed up there it will be likely that a good sharp chain saw will be your ticket to ride. We got to 1750m on the heathy spur and observed we were on the cusp of the freeze level. The snow pack on leeward aspects (south and east) showed a slight buried freeze crust at 15cm, resistant (CTX) yet ‘popped’ on a score of 12 and showed sudden planar characteristics when levered out. The temperature gradient showed -3˚ below and -1˚ above this weakness. Likely the result of a warm wet air flow amidst the cooler overnight temps before the Friday daytime deluge.