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IMPORTANT: The following information is provided in good faith. Both the observation and forecasting methods used to provide this summary are not consistent with international standard. They are based in the collective experience of those providing input on the conditions, the hazards and the respective rating if provided. Due to both the spatial and often subjective nature of the observation input available, forecasting is at best an estimate. Understanding, knowledge and practise in self assessment of alpine hazards is crucial to safe backcountry travel in all alpine areas covered here.
Extensive Bulletproof Ice: all aspects from 2000m to 1200m.
28th August 2019: We have a spring snowpack out there ATM. Almost Isothermal with a very hard deep crust. There are some vaguely suspect layers beneath the crust, however they are not a concern given the concrete bridging properties of the overlying crust.
There’s a bit of a blast due to sweep the state tonight. We will be all ‘off the grid’ over the next 62 hrs so unfortunately there will be no update on this event due only to the tech, not the obs. SM
28th August 2019: Very similar conditions in the back-country again today. The base has had another solid freeze overnight. Solar aspects protected from the wind will soften for spring like turns as the day warms but south facing and shaded slopes will likely stay very firm and slick all day. Take care out there. BB
We will not be updating this for Hotham and the below forecast predates the precip event due tonight. Check here for weekend conditions.