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Contrasts. 48hrs ago we did obs in knee deep rain affected porridge. Then it started snowing properly. And it hasn’t stopped. The rate of accumulation, particularly on aspects lee to the north west is a problem. A considerable wind slab avalanche hazard exists as observed at both Falls Creek and Mt Hotham resorts and believed to be widespread particularly in the alpine (above 1650m). Conservative terrain choices are advised for travellers in the backcountry for the foreseeable future. SM
What we wished for has become a reality and then some, pushing the scales perhaps a bit too far and becoming hazardous. Looking forward the conditions contributing to the snowpack instability only appear to continue, possibly increase over the next 48hrs. Stay tuned. SM
There will be good turns to be found in the back-country today however the wind swinging towards the south overnight will have stripped many of the usual zones so the protected areas in the trees are likely to offer the best turns. We have had over 40 cm of snow in the past 48 hours, accompanied by very strong winds and lots of transported snow, so the avalanche danger is considerable in some areas of our nearby back-country today. Avoid steep terrain, especially near ridge tops lee to the west and south, and especially as the day warms. Take Care out there. BB
Windslab avalanche hazard on aspects lee to the south through to west.
With heavy recent snowfalls and strong winds, in alpine backcountry areas the avalanche hazard is expected to be considerable today. If you travel in alpine backcountry areas today, it’s strongly recommended that you remain in low angled terrain and avoid wind loaded slopes and terrain traps.. MO
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