It’s far from our job to speak for Bill, but right now he’s tooling up to get his resort rolling, all the way to the bottom of village chair (quattro?) and we are psyched for them. From our observations we have a base of loosely consolidated but dry snowpack between 35cm and 75cm or thereabouts, roughly. The first front / (season starter) had enough time to warm and settle. This weeks Monday event has yielded a good bond, given it’s still within the ‘bushsphere’, less so at lower elevations with observations indicating a slight crust, not much of a worry there. The South / South easterly wind that arrived on the Monday front has rearranged things from usual and transported snow onto the north and west aspects, not unusual just early to be seeing this.
So those aspects lee to the east have good dry snow on a firm (in places icy) base. Thumbs up… next update will be by the man himself. Mic-drop. SM
Likewise Falls is calling this the best opening weekend conditions in forever, and as such we won’t expect a BC update from the ski patrol for a while yet. Observations beyond the dam wall have lots of transportation occurring here, the tops scoured and strugi’d and the areas around Watchbed Creek are looking like full late july already. Given that, areas north and west like Nelse creek are fat and ski well if your headed to Edmond’s or Kelly’s for the weekend. No signs of instability out there with all the transportation mending and bonding to the last weeks snow (and bushes). SM
The challenge is getting in, locals went for a quick jaunt and have reported back that the track has lots of fallen timber between wombat gap / the corner and above 1400m. Post holing through deep unconsolidated snow sounded like fun 3. Based on our Sunday observations out at Dargo, the Razorback looked plush, not too gnarly and corniced thanks to the southerly, so that could be the pick of the access for the weekend for any takers. The peak itself is looking to the trained eye as though it has an even distribution of early season cover with windblown deposition on the North and west, and a similar ‘boney’ scoured appearance on the East and south, not sure she’s quite there yet. If you get out there drop us a line (ha-ha) and let us know what your seeing via:
Game on at Mount Bogong already. Going to put it out there that when Bogong happens it can happen quick. That there have been instances with less than half a meter on the summit plateau, complete with bushes and rocks, yet the south and east aspects (or in the curerent circumstances North and West also) had already over 1.5m of snow and huge D3 slides. Game on means, like really… get your avy game on straight up. Luckily the Monday snow from the south east has filled in the previously bush / rime cover which is grippy enough to have created a strong bond between new and newer snow, for now. Take Care… SM
Late june 2017: I think it was tombstone… or was it death cookie. Somewhere in that vicinity. 1m crown. Image Credit: Matt O’keeffe Click to enlarge