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There’s a smorgasbord of conditions out on the range. We’ve come off the back of a 40cm dump with a bunch of funky layers that have bridged now. Thanks to an ice storm event (frozen rain) and followed by a sleety graupel accumulation, delivered on a westerly. Frankly it would have been nice to enjoy that pow a little longer yet the pack was spooky. The southerly tail of the storm front and now the westerly ice event have rendered everything west to south east as lean and either breakable crust of sheet ice. The stashes are north / north east above the freeze line roughly around 1620m. The higher the better for now and solar will help. SM
There’s a few ‘sucker’ fronts that are pushing through. Most getting diffused as the push up against the pacific eddy. Tuesday looks like the most likely precip event, not huge but cold enough. Thankfully the cold air is being recycled and that’s going to save what we have until then. Whatever happens its going to be relatively calm on the wind front, a welcome relief of late. SM
4 cm of snow sits on a solid frozen base. There will be some drifted areas of shallow fresh but beware steep slopes that have been stripped back to an icy surface. Protected low angle terrain is likely to be riding the best out there today. Take Care. BB
A bit of a storm rolled through yesterday arvo/ evening, depositing 6cm of fresh snow. Temps dropped in the early hours this morning and it is currently hovering around -3. The snow pack has definitely set up and conditions will be similar to yesterday, with a dusting on top. You can see the stars at the top this morning, so hopefully the low cloud will clear and we will see the sun today. The forecast is looking good for snow showers through this weekend. Dress for cool conditions. MO
Feathertop has fared poorly from the recent weather events, not so much on the peak herself but the Bspur track has some storm carnage and the razorback is crampon country. One ridge east, the machinery spur is the pick of the bunch for access and favourable aspect. ATM. If Stoney Creek Rd is open and tree carnage free, that’s the fast track to the best terrain. Take a mountaineering attitude.
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