There's been quite a bit of instability with human triggered slides occuring to a large scale. It's been described as 'Early Season Funk' with huge variation between what is prone and where. We will carry over this North East aspect Considerable Avalanche Danger warning. It's been rained on and that's for now means more weight which is bad thing... as it cools the snow will bridge out all the instabilities which is good, until it gets another loading due to have run its course by Sunday morning, with a new bed surface. Hopefully given the moisture we will get good cohesion. Stay tuned, be conservative.... we are.
The touring conditions have been great since the wind died off on Monday. the lee slops have a lot of loading but it is bonding well to the melt freeze layer down about 40cm. Below the Melt freeze layer (15mm thick) the sugary facets still exist. The tops of ridges and those area that have been striped of snow will be very icy. Crampons may be required in some areas
The weather is just now zeroing out with a High pushing the weather south. With the fresh snow from the weekend there is great touring on all lee aspects. The wind has eased down from 70km which was a bit brutal and we are looking at some good days mid week before the next front comes in. Adam will be fresh in with observations on Sunday night.
Photo Tim Priest
Photo Tim Priest